26-May-2006 We recently took a trip to some familiar Paleozoic outcrops near Sonoita Arizona to look over some outcrops of Permian strata in the Canelo Hills. We have visited this site before, but had to leave do to inclement weather. We had the whole day to explore this time, and photographed a lot of super specimens including some very nice Gastropod fossils. There were also a lot of very nice Echinoids. We've also made a couple of short trips to the Tucson Mountains, and found some impressive Petrified Wood . On the Net, we spotted these interesting Sites: Tree Cast Fossils near Page Arizona. If you have not checked out our Message Boards, you have missed out on a lot of the latest news articles on Fossils and Paleontology. For comments or questions about Southern Arizona Fossils, send an email to: information@safossils.com If you would like to receive this News Letter in your inbox, send an email to: subscribe@safossils.com, and we'll add you to our list. If you would no longer like to receive this News Letter in your inbox, send an email to: unsubscribe@safossils.com, and we'll remove you from our list. Have a great day! |