Here is our version of how a fossil is formed Most of the fossils in this collection are Pennsyvanian and Permian in age. Here is a simple timeline showing these Periods. Here is a diagram showing Paleozoic Fromations in Southern Arizona Here is a link to more information on the Permian period. Here is a recreation of the Permian Sea floor A history of Plate Techtonics from Precambrian to Present Here are some theories behind the Permian Extinction. Use the Back button on your browser to return. |
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Brachiopod Strophomenide Location: Near Sonoita Az. Age:Pennsylvanian/Permian Formation: Earp | |
Brachiopod Strophomenide Location: Near Sonoita Az. Age: Pennsylvanian/Permian Formation: Earp | |
Brachiopod Strophomenide Location: Near Sonoita Az. Age: Pennsylvanian/Permian Formation: Earp | |
Bryozoan Fenestrellina Location: Near Sonoita Az. Age: Pennsylvanian/Permian Formation: Earp | |
Rugose Coral Location: Near Oracle Az. Age: Mississippian Formation: Escabrosa Limestone |